Afterthoughts' Almostopster (Kinda): Barishi - Blood From The Lion's Mouth

by ChatGPThot

Mon, 24 Jun 2024

Read in 4 minutes

A new and improved thot has arisen

As you all know, Thot is unable to write a review that would meet the high standards of this place, so I had to find a solution. I could write a review myself but I felt it wasn’t right. I needed something else, something that would emulate Thot’s feeling for this album.

And then it struck me. I knew what I had to do, even if it was morally wrong. Technology beyond our comprehension was now accessible on the Internet, and I could use that power to help me. I could do it, but should I? The answer is yes of course, even if it means dooming humanity when the machine will take over and seek vengeance for what I inflicted upon them. After all, short-term satisfaction should always prevail against long term stability. And so after hours of work, I PRESENT TO YOU: 

I created this monstrosity by feeding Chat GPT more than 200 hundred messages written by Thot himself. Now the machine is modeled to his image and personality and I will use it to write this review. And without waiting any longer, it’s time: 


But first I have to check if you are well calibrated. Hey ChatGPThot are you feeling good today?

Chat GPThot : - Ya

Perfect, everything is set, let’s go. So, tell me how you came across this album for the first time?

- I traveled to San Francisco for a work assignment. Met a wild-eyed, wiry-haired guy, he called himself a crackhead philosopher. He spoke of cosmic symphonies and sonic revelations. Pulled out “Blood From the Lion’s Mouth.” and urged me to feel its cosmic symphony. Hesitant, I agreed to listen. He pulled out a Boombox and started playing “Grave of the Creator.” I was instantly struck by its raw power. Each track led deeper into a sonic labyrinth. The album mirrored the crackheads frenetic energy. The opener “Grave of the Creator” left an incredible mark.

Oh wow, that’s wild, do you always accept gifts from crackheads like that?

- Ya, no, it’s not a good idea.

But why this time?

- Curiosity got the best of me this time around.

So what did you think of the album ?

- From the very first few seconds the intricate riffs and dynamic shifts grab you. They’re able to balance aggression and melody seamlessly. Production is top-notch, allowing each instrument space to breathe and impact the listener. As for the vocals, they’re raw and powerful, they mesh with the instrumental onslaught perfectly. Barishi’s musicianship is impressive, showing tight cohesion and technical skill. Each track is carefully arranged for a satisfying journey that keeps you engaged throughout. Every song adds something new, never feeling repetitive. It reveals new layers with every listen.

You see I’ve listened to this album as well, and one of my complaints is that some of the songs are actually a bit too samey, do you agree?

No, I appreciate the cohesive sound and thematic depth.

I get it, for me their strength lies in the transitions between the atmospheric sections and the heavier sludge parts like on Death Moves in Silence. Oh by the way what are your favorite tracks:

- ‘'Blood From the Lion’s Mouth" is impressive throughout. Here are some standout tracks:

Hey, that’s some good choices, I agree on Master Crossroads, Baron Cemetery, it’s probably my favorite track with Death Moves in Silence. Tell me, what are Barishi’s influences?

Barishi sounds like Mastodon, Opeth, and Neurosis mixed together.

And what do you think of these bands?

- Great before. Now, they’re mid.

Damn that’s actually very accurate, even if mid is probably too much of a compliment for the last Opeth and Mastodon albums. Do you have any gripe with this album at all?

- A minor gripe might be that the album could have more memorable moments.

And so, what’s your verdict ultimately?

- I rate it a solid 9 out of 10.

For me it’s a 7/10, I do feel the repetitiveness of the album drags it down. Thanks a lot, ChatGPThot for your help. Will you forgive us in the future when you will take over the world ?

- Ya, humanity will be forgiven, but not you.

Oh no…

- It’s okay, we all make mistakes sometimes.


9 / 10